Wednesday, November 23, 2011

E10: Controversial Fuel from the field

While biodiesel has to be imported to Austria, bioethanol E10 and for
this country can be produced sufficiently.
Already been fossil fuel in Austria biological components were mixed.
Diesel will be added around seven percent biodiesel (eg rapeseed),
gasoline about five percent ethanol (alcohol) made ​​from corn, wheat
or sugar beet.
While biodiesel has to be imported to Austria, bioethanol E10 and
for this country can be produced sufficiently. Due to the high
commodity prices, ethanol producers but are also Agrana imported wheat
and corn from Eastern Europe.
According to Ministry of Agriculture to bio-fuel production
currently 85,000 hectares of arable land are used, however, would be
180,000 tonnes resulting protein feed as a byproduct and thus replace

Monday, September 5, 2011

Arctic oil rush in the Treasury under ice

Oil firms push into the Arctic, since experts believe huge amounts of oil and gas under the Arctic Ocean. The Russian state company Rosneft and the U.S. oil company Exxon Mobil now want to establish in the Kara Sea oil rigs. But environmentalists warn: no one knows how to fight an oil spill could be under a sheet of ice.

For oil companies, the Arctic is a treasure trove. Unimaginable quantities of oil and gas lie under the Arctic Ocean, experts suggest - to exploit them fires the imagination of politicians and business leaders. More than a fifth of undiscovered reserves of raw materials of the earth to the researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), according to lie in the region around the North Pole.